An eel at the Waikiki Aquarium.

Practicing my macro skills.

The underside of a fern.

More macro practice. The flower is actually only about 1 inch in diameter.

More macro practice.

Jellyfish at the Waikiki Aquarium. This is how they actually looked because they were lit up with black light.

Ladybugs snuggling on a plant in Kauai.

Another tenant of the Waikiki Aquarium. Also lit up with black light.

Crescent moon taken through my sweety's telescope.

Unretouched full moon on 06 Feb 2004 in Wahiawa, Hawaii. Also through the telescope. Dial-Up users be warned, this image is quite large.

Same shot as previous but I enhanced the background to bring out the stars. Dial-Up users be warned, this image is quite large.

A closeup of a penny with five electronic components glued on. I teach people how to install these type components.

A close-up of a very large rose.

Yes, there ARE snakes in Hawaii. This is a "Blind Snake".

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